Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Cool ways to use drone

Drone, also called, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), is a type of aircraft that has no pilot but can be controlled with a remote control. A lot of people, including me, think that drone’s main purpose is for military or news coverage. But you will be very surprised how many cool things you can use a drone for.
  • Group pictures
Ever since monopods were created, group shots became a less hassle since everyone will be there when you are taking a shot. But then when you are way too many, you will still be a bit cramped. And most often, the picture perfect background cannot be seen. With a drone, you wouldn't worry about those anymore.
  • Traveller's friend
Normally, when you are just taking a tour through a city, a normal camera or a phone with  a camera will do. But if you are taking a vacay where there are mountains or islands, a drone will get the perfect shot for you. 
  • Racing
Lots and lots of people are fascinated with racing. Whether it's a car, motorbike, bicycle, even animal racing, pigeons, pigs, you name it! Ang guess what? Drones have racing too. You can watch or get more information about it through The Drone Racing League.
  • Saving lives
Emergency responders from Iowa used a drone to locate a pair of missing boaters. It so happened that one of the boaters had a heart attack and was rushed to a hospital.
Source : CNN
  • Delivery
DHL Parcelcopter 3.0 is the first fully autonomous delivery drone. The drone is capable of flying up to 70km/h with 2kg of payload.
Well, I personally cannot afford to buy that kind of drone, but if a normal drone can carry a pound, then it will be totally cool to send small things that your neighbor friend is borrowing.
  • Light show
I have seen this video about 100 drones that are controlled by a single pilot to create a truly amazing light show which was organized by Intel. 
Source : drone swarms
This is not the only one. There are other coordinated-drone shows from other countries as well. Now, I will not be surprised anymore if I hear that someone used drones to make a wedding proposal! But of course, it would be very cool to actually watch one right?
  • Pokemon-catching drone
The game Pokemon Go has just been out on the market and a lot of people were sooooo crazy about it. Can't really blame them, I was once been addicted to the game. And since this new game has been upgraded to the nth level, catching a Pokemon has been upgraded too by using a drone. The Pokedrone can be used to catch a Pokemon in the most out-of-reach places.   
Source : Virtuality
These are just a few of the amazing ways to use drones. I am pretty sure (as innovative and creative as we are) there are more cool ways of using drones. I just think this is one of those inventions that can actually be an investment, not just for governments but also for individuals. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

9 Songs that will keep you moving forward

All we need is a little more inspiration.

Loneliness can be very addicting because you don't have to do anything. Moving forward can be very tiresome and it takes a lot of courage. But no one gains anything yet by wallowing in pain and self-pity. 
My advice is to take some time to relax. Give yourself at least 30 minutes not worrying or thinking about your problems. Take a deep breath. And listening to this inspirational songs may help you to keep going on.
1.Try Everything by Shakira
Haven't watched Zootopia yet? You may want to add it to your relaxation moments. It may be an action-packed animation, but you may learn a lesson or two from it. 
2. Can't take that away from me by Mariah Carey
No matter what people say, it what you tell yourself will matter. Never let other people take away your "shine".
3. Go the distance by Michael Bolton
"I'll be there someday, I can go the distance. I will find my way if I can be strong". Never stop believing yourself. Don't bother looking back if your purpose is counting your hardships. Keep looking toward your goal.
4. Roar by Katy Perry
If you want to fly, you must give up what weighs you down.
5. Fireworks by Katy Perry
"The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself." - Maya Angelou
6. When you believe by Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston
Faith is one of the most amazing things. As long as you keep your faith, before you even knew it, you already moved mountains.
7. Rainbow by Southborder
There are a lot of little things around us. If we will only look carefully, beyond material things, we are very blessed and life indeed is very beautiful.
8. Through the rain by Mariah Carey
"And when the rain blows, as shadows grow close don't be afraid. There's nothing you can't face."

9. Titanium feat. Sia 
You are a lot stronger than you think you are. Keep that in mind and no one can break you down.
We all have our own struggles. We may feel hopeless and overwhelmed at one point (or maybe more), we may stop and take some rest, but never quit. May this inspire you and help you to keep going. 
I know there are really more inspirational songs out there. Please feel free to suggest. Thank you.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Zootopia - a Life Inspiration

Zootopia is a great animation I would recommend for everyone. It's an action-packed with a great lesson to tell and inspiring quotes too.

A small bunny who grew up on a carrot farm named Judy Hopps aimed to make the world a better place trained so hard to be the first bunny cop even though a lot scoffed at her. As soon as she graduated the police academy, she was officially assigned to the heart of Zootopia. Zootopia is a beautiful metropolis where all animals live in harmony. But when 14 animal predators went missing, Judy wormed her way into taking the case. Partnering with the con artist fox named Nick Wilde, they surge through the dangers to solve the case. 

What really captivates me with this film is the way Judy Hopps pursued her dreams. She was scoffed, bullied, undermined, belittled, you name it! But she never loses hope. She got hurt, she suffered, she sacrificed and never wavered for her goal in life. To be a police officer and make the world a better place. Like anyone else, she makes mistakes. Admittedly, she was devastated for a while for that mistake, she created chaos in the entire Zootopia and almost lost her best friend in the process. But it was not for long. She manages to stand up and make things right. On top of that, she also inspired her parents to open up their minds and consider things that out of the norm. 
“I had a lot of self-doubt and it manifested itself in a form of unchecked rage and aggression” – Gideon grey
And also, Kudos to Gideon Grey because in the end, he not only realized he made a mistake when he was young, he also changed his ways and apologized for it which definitely takes a lot of courage. 
As an individual, it inspires me to be myself more and keep on reaching my goal. Even if other people think you are disillusioned. And as a parent, my belief became firmer that the most wonderful gifts that I can give to my child are accepting who she is and believing in her.

Quotes from Zootopia

young judy
“I can make the world a better place. It may seem impossible to small minds but anyone can be anything.” - Young Judy

"Gideon is right about one thing. I don’t know when to quit.” – young Judy

"The only thing we have to fear is the fear itself."

"Tommorrow is another day."

"Life isn't some cartoon musical where you sing a little song and all your insipid dreams magically come true." - Chief Bogo

"Never let them see that they get to you." - Nick Wilde

"Real life’s a little bit more complicated than a slogan on a bumper sticker. Real life is messy. We all have limitations. We all make mistakes. Which means, we all have a lot in common. And the more we try to understand one another the more exceptional each of us will be. But we have to try. I implore you, try. Try to make the world a better place."

"Look inside yourself and recognize that change starts with you. It starts with me. It starts with all of us."

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Bill to require new pet stores to sell rescue animals only – Passed by NJ Senate

Photo credits to the owner

I was doing my usual checking my emails routine before I turn in and this news, New Jersey Senate Passes a Bill That Requires Pet Stores to Sell Only Rescue Animals,caught my attention. It says that this bill's aim is to help trim down puppy mills. I have checked the internet what is a puppy mill because it's actually my first time to hear such term and the descriptions from the articles I've read screams "inhumane". This is one of those articles, 11 Facts About Puppy Mills.
The Humane Society estimates that there are at least 10,000 puppy mills in the U.S. producing more than 2.4 million a year—and less than 3,000 of those are regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Meanwhile, according to the ASPCA, approximately 3.9 million dogs enter shelters every year—and each year, 1.2 million dogs are euthanized.
I have read that there are people who are against the bill which I think is quite understandable since we all have different perspectives.
I am not a dog owner. I like dogs but the reason I never wanted to own one is because of the responsibility. Personally, I think dogs are like kids. It's more than just feeding them and making sure they are healthy. I think dogs feelings are acute to humans. They need comfort, love, care,cuddling moments, etc. just like humans. I have actually seen a dog sulk because his owner momentarily forgot about to acknowledge him as soon as the owner came home. That's why I content myself in looking (especially the super cute ones) at them  rather than owning one and risk neglecting them.
Looking at the statistics, I think it's a good thing that this bill was passed. True enough, it may limit pet choice. But then,  I do not think it makes sense to breed so many puppies then it will only end up in dog shelters then be euthanized later on.  

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Parent Shaming - It has to stop!

Parenting is the easiest thing in the world to have an opinion about, but the hardest thing to do in the world. - Matt Walsh

I have seen this on a Facebook page called Love What Matters. It's a page where they share inspirational short stories. As you can see in the screenshot, it is praising the nice Lowe's employee who helped pacify a cranky toddler. But for some people, it became their glorious mom shaming moment. They didn't bother to stop and remind themselves that they do not know the lady or the child and their entire life story at all.
Note: I don't want to show their name nor picture, this is not to shame them too. We cannot judge their entire being for what they said. The only point is to show an example of parent-shaming.
Another example of parent-shaming is the gorilla killing incident wherein a 3-year-old boy fell into a gorilla exhibit at the Cincinnati Zoo. I personally feel sad that the gorilla was killed. Who wouldn't? It's a critically endangered animal.
But seeing this kind of insults made me even sadder.
Just in case you're curious whether the mom is guilty or not, I saw this on CNN, Gorilla killing: 3-year-old boy's mother won't be charged.
Parent shaming nowadays became so rampant that it'll make you think that compassion has already run out of fashion. I have to admit that when I was younger (like college days), it's easier to question parent's way of disciplining their child. As I grow older, thanks to parenting articles and friends with kids, I became more and more aware of how hard it is to raise kids especially when I became a mom.
Let's face the reality. We are not perfect, never been and definitely never will be. And parenting doesn't come with a manual. It's a very hard job and it gets harder when other people drags you down. It's so upsetting, that it can make parents lose their focus in what matters most in raising kids.
How to stop? Before making a comment and hitting the enter button or spitting the words out of your mouth, think! Not only once, twice, but as many as needed. Learn to empathize. We all want to raise our kids properly and we are all doing our best. We all make bad choices in parenting one way or another. Are you a parent? Then yes, you are guilty too. Do not pretend otherwise. Bad mistakes don't make us bad parents. Mistakes help us learn, not just with parenting but for all aspects of life. What's important is we learn from our mistakes.
And just like this advertisement (I super love this powerful video!), Tang #WeAreHomeMade: No to Parent Judging, let us help build a community with compassion, spreading goodwill and giving courage to parents especially during their hard times.
I have also read a powerful message from"We have to stop separating ourselves from these awful events saying “that would never be me because I know better, I would do better, I am better.” Because we aren’t better. Most of us just haven’t found ourselves in the position to have the worst in an accident or tragedy come to fruition. We’re not better, just luckier."
And whenever you feel the urge to judge other parents, please read The Top 7 Reasons Why You’re Mom-Shaming. It will help you reflect and help you to heal. Yes! I know you are hurting too. The sooner you admit it, the sooner you will heal. The more we will be able to achieve a peaceful and happy community.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Father's vital role to his kids

“Fathers are far more than just ‘second adults’ in the home. Involved fathers bring positive benefits to their children that no other person is as likely to bring." - Dr. David Popenoe

An involved father is not just by living in the same house with his child and provides the child's basic needs (food, clothes, house, etc.) but actively interacts, shows affection, nurtures and being available to his child.
For children's cognitive development, studies show that fathers who are involved, nurturing, and playful with their infants have children with higher IQ's, as well as better linguistic and cognitive capacities. Children with involved fathers have better linguistic skills, intellectual functioning, and academic achievement among adolescents.
Also, involved father's kids are emotionally secure, confident in exploring their surroundings, and are more sociable. It is less likely for them to have behavioral problems or be involved in alcohol or drug abuse.
And there's a whole lot more advantages (child's physical, social, emotional, intellectual and communication development) of being an involved father than you could imagine. Dr. Gail Gross, a Human Behavior, Parenting, and Education Expert, Speaker, Author. Ph.D., Ed.D., M.Ed., even said that "It is impossible to over-estimate the importance of dad."
This post is kudos to all fathers' (especially my hubby) for making the effort to be involved in your child's care despite the "old school" concept that the father is the provider and the mother should be the one to manage the home and the kids. It means a lot to mothers like me and most importantly to your kids. Thank you for helping to create a better world.
Source: The Importance of Fathers   in the Healthy Development of Children
by Jeffrey Rosenberg and W. Bradford Wilcox

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

4 steps in handling a meltdown

It's terribly frustrating to hear those constant tantrums. It's easy if what the kid is asking for is something feasible like she can't open her toy box on her own. You can simply ask her if she needs your help and voila! The tantrum stops.
But there are those moments that kids will be asking for something unreasonable. Just recently, my kid asked for a toy baby bottle to be opened just like her feeding bottles. But then I will have to break the toy to do that and so the nerve-wracking cry starts.
It feels like your ears are about to explode. Sometimes, you yourself wanted to cry too (I actually did sometimes).But through trial and errors, these are the steps I used whenever my daughter starts her meltdown.
  • Stay calm
It's actually the hardest but most important part in handling a meltdown. The more frustrated you are, the more frustrated the kid will be. I usually count 1 to 10 and do a breathing exercise before facing my daughter.
  • Let the child express themselves
I let my daughter cry for at least 20 seconds without talking. I don't dare to reason out as she is distraught and will not listen (Let's face it. Adults are unreasonable when distraught too.). I just let her cry (I'm just right in front of her). I keep on telling myself that even adults can have a hard time controlling their emotions and it's definitely harder for a child who doesn't have much life experience right? But I make sure that she's not hurting herself or anybody in the process.
  • Hug your child
As soon as she allows me to carry her (sometimes it takes more than 20 seconds), I put her head on my shoulder and hug her. I allow some time for her to feel that I am there for her, that I care for her, and I love her. It's amazing what a hug can do to kids.
  • Divert the attention
This is the part where I learn to be very creative. "Oh look at that picture! It's so pretty!", "Oooh... What's that? It's so colorful!", or I will give her a different toy or anything that will get her attention and put her in a different part of the house (from the living room to the dining room) so she will forget about the reason for her meltdown.
Whenever I am pretty sure that there will be no more meltdowns (for the same issue) and everything is calm, that's the moment that I talk to her regarding what happened. I explain to her why we cannot do it and try to offer her a more positive way in dealing with it. 
I hope this helps you, and I will be very glad to know how you handle yours so I can learn from it too. Feel free to comment below!