Thursday, July 7, 2016

Bill to require new pet stores to sell rescue animals only – Passed by NJ Senate

Photo credits to the owner

I was doing my usual checking my emails routine before I turn in and this news, New Jersey Senate Passes a Bill That Requires Pet Stores to Sell Only Rescue Animals,caught my attention. It says that this bill's aim is to help trim down puppy mills. I have checked the internet what is a puppy mill because it's actually my first time to hear such term and the descriptions from the articles I've read screams "inhumane". This is one of those articles, 11 Facts About Puppy Mills.
The Humane Society estimates that there are at least 10,000 puppy mills in the U.S. producing more than 2.4 million a year—and less than 3,000 of those are regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Meanwhile, according to the ASPCA, approximately 3.9 million dogs enter shelters every year—and each year, 1.2 million dogs are euthanized.
I have read that there are people who are against the bill which I think is quite understandable since we all have different perspectives.
I am not a dog owner. I like dogs but the reason I never wanted to own one is because of the responsibility. Personally, I think dogs are like kids. It's more than just feeding them and making sure they are healthy. I think dogs feelings are acute to humans. They need comfort, love, care,cuddling moments, etc. just like humans. I have actually seen a dog sulk because his owner momentarily forgot about to acknowledge him as soon as the owner came home. That's why I content myself in looking (especially the super cute ones) at them  rather than owning one and risk neglecting them.
Looking at the statistics, I think it's a good thing that this bill was passed. True enough, it may limit pet choice. But then,  I do not think it makes sense to breed so many puppies then it will only end up in dog shelters then be euthanized later on.  

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