Thursday, June 9, 2016

Perks of fishkeeping

This is actually hubby's new hobby not mine but I help out whenever I can. Although the set up is not yet done (there's a lot of brainstorming going on), I just can't resist showing it and sharing its benefits.
1. Relaxation
You don't have to go out to relax. Especially if you are a stay at home mom like me, just wait till they are all asleep. Watching the fish, the flow of water, the bubbles, etc helps soothes and calm your senses.
2. Bonding for couples
Feeling monotonous in your relationship? This is a good way to break the monotony. You can choose the fish to breed together. Both of you can check the best decoration, filter system, proper caring, etc.
Not only will it help you reconnect, the brainstorming will also bring excitement and fun in your relationship.
3. Hobby to business
I have always read of hobbyist turn entrepreneur. We (hubby and I) are not YET there but I honestly believe that this hobby has a potential to become a business.
4. Teaching kids a sense of responsibility
I think it's a good excuse for teaching kids what shared responsibility means.

By the way, just in case you're curious about what are those things inside the tank (aside from the fish, that is), we have a k1 media filter and a DIY shower filter.
This is the k1 media filter (the white ones inside the plastic bottle).The media is engineered in a wheel shape and is slightly positively buoyant. This allows a small amount of water flow to circulate the media throughout the vessel. This flow is created with your air pump and air stones or diffuser etc.  K1 Media provides the maximum active surface area for the bacteria to colonise, more than other types of static media. It is this process which removes harmful ammonia and nitrite from the water.
Aside from its benefits, we find it cute and pleasant to look at since it moves through the water. It like looking at a white lava lamp inside the aquarium.
This is the DIY shower filter made with PVC pipe connected to a submersible pump located at the back of k1 media. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get the step by step process for this one so we can share it. However, for DIYs regarding aquarium filters, etc., you may check The king of DIY on youtube.  There will be so much to learn from him. 
I'll keep you posted with our progress and I hope it will inspire you. Good day!

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